2:43pm...I am staring at two cans of Campbell's Select Harvest Soups (Garden recipes).
One is Tomato Garden, which of course has a full serving of delicious vegetables and fun swirly chewy noodles. ... I like swirly.
The other is Creamy Potato with Roasted Garlic. Need I say more. I like potato.
For some reason or another I chose the Tomato Garden. I think its because it matches the word "Lunch".
Good word, L-U-N-C-H... lunch.
Veggies and swirlies seem to fit a splendid afternoon such as this.
Its settled.
Veggie Swirly for LLLLUNCH.. and Creamy Potato with Roasted Garlic will be for second lunch.
2:49pm... this soup is even better than the label had me dreaming about. I am "mmm"ing allowed every bite. ...>slurp<.. MMMMM!!
2:52pm... (says allowed) "This is fantAAAAAAstic!"
2:54pm.... *scraaaape drip drip.. slurp. scraaaaape drip drip... slurp.*
3:00pm...That soup was excellent and I couldn't be more satisfied. Well until I make some of this Chai Tea my adorable eccentric neighbor gave me! I opened the box and a stunning flutter of aroma-butterflies tickled my smile. This is quite a splendid Monday afternoon!
I need to make this tea but there are too many windows open on my computer.
they are all just staring at me.
waiting to be remembered. Too much.. must close.
3:11pm... three eleven eh? That makes me think of my little bro. He like 311 like i like.. well all music.
I need music now!!! WHY have I been eating and writing in silence.
... okay pandora is up at 3:16pm and its time for another hit and its CHAI TIME!
3:22pm... I'm annoyed with the time thing. I'm ditching it. BUT the music was the missing crayon from the box. And I still haven't left the chair to make the tea. getting up in 3..2.. oh I gotta message.
oh my gawd i found LEGGOS in my pocket!!! I found them in the road earlier.
I need more LEGGOS.
*dear Friut Bats, Thank you for contributing to my day:) You too Phoenix!
Holy sh*t I thought I just deleted all my work and I panicked and almost pooped. But then it was saved in drafts. Phew. Excuse me a minute.
***this changed my life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5B8qMamdt8
There is so much great music in the world. Its a limitless language. The world will never be without music. Its made in everything. Always created.
^note to self: have an "I Adore PandOra" segment.^
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