Friday, July 11, 2008

Blue Eyed Lover

I’m falling in love with someone I’ve never met. I’ve flirted, got butterflies over, and kissed someone I’ve never even spoken to. My dreams can be so cruel yet so beautiful. Its been twice now that I’ve dreamt of this certain gorgeous boy who before I was a little jealous of and had slightly harsh feelings for. But these dreams have shown me either a secret version no one knows or one my heart had conceaved because its what it longs for.
People know of this guy. But no one I know actually knows him personally. Its seems so strange to me that I could develope feelings for a stranger. But the way he looks at me.. the way he touches my hand.. and the way I explode with electric happiness when we kiss has built some sort of connection to him. Why? I really have NO clue. I love it and hate it.
I am a huge sucker for cute romantic sublties of flirting. Let me explain my dreams and you’ll know what I fall for and why I have fallen for the dream boy…
Dream 1: I was at a big party slash celebration at a water park and I was sitting behind this waterfall alone just thinking whilst everyone else swam and yelled and had a blast blah blah.. then “blue eyes” swam up to me and said “hey, I’ve been meaning to talk to you and say how talented I think you are.. good job” and I was of course flattered and thanked him for this compliment. Then his “groupies” came and sat all around us and were talking to him. But while his buddies were talking he very softly and secretly slipped his hand in mine under the water. A burst of butterflies immediately filled my stomach. Then after a few minutes his friends all left in a rush to get some food, I stayed behind and “blue eyes” stayed with me. We just stared at eachother holding hands.. and slowly he leaned in and gave me a sweet, gentle kiss. End of dream one. Of course when I woke up I was in shock given who it was and how good it felt, and just passed it off as a wishful dream.
Dream 2: We’re all rehearsing for some random production be it movie or play, I’m not sure. And no one is focused and music is playing and in this “show” I’m suppose to be dancing with this girl but she was off talking to her friends so I was just standing there. “Blue Eyes” then came up to me and said in a very cute way with an adorable smile, “I’ll dance with you”. So he and I, while the rest of the cast was chatting and dancing randomly amongst themselves, danced and played around. I then picked up a roled up piece of sliced ham from the snack table ( I know, hidden context but no need to discuss it) and put it in my mouth. “Blue eyes” then said “look its like lady and the tramp haha” and he bit the other end. We were giggling as we chewed to the middle. But when we both actually got to the middle, we could feel the strong energy in eachothers heart and the butterflies went insane. Then at the last bite in the middle, our lips touched. Our eyes closed and we savored each other, each second connecting with each other more and more. The kiss ended and the director yelled for us to get back to work.. and we all did. End of dream two. Wow.
Now the way I felt in both of these dreams was extrodinary! So strong and sincere. Ususally when I dream of something so vivid more than once it means something. Now who the hell knows what it means. But of course I truly hope and wish it means I will actually fall in love with him and he with me or someone just like him. Because with “blue eyes” I’ve never felt so happy… ever. I would give practically ANYTHING to feel that glow and happiness and love in real life. So please god let that dream be showing me the future.
I feel like he is out there. Dreaming of me. Who ever and where ever he may be. He, at the very same moment I am, stares out into the stars thinking of my face… wanting to hold me, wondering where I am. I AM HERE IN PLEASANT GROVE UTAH!!! I am waiting for you… with a strong and willing heart.

You lift my soul and shock my heart with your beautiful blue eyes that match the sharpness of mine. There is no danger or pain in the world when your hand touches mine, or when your arms are around me. When our lips touch nothing else exists in the world but beauty, love and equaltiy. I could dance with you for hours, and I’ll lay with you for eternity. I’m here.. waiting… to give you my love.